In Myopía, time was constructed as an unstable shifting zone, like a ramp and not steps, like an ongoing present. At the same time there is a continuous transformation of space, worked as if it were a kaleidoscope. A recurring abstract language is also utilised in search of a hypnotic performance to erase the perception of time and to achieve an ecstatic experience.
Direction and choreography: Gerardo Litvak
Music: Moby
Music Edition: Martín Ferres
Costumes: Natalia Arrascaeta
Lighting Design: Julio López
Dancers: UNA Dance Company
Commissioned piece by the UNA Dance Company, National University of the Arts.
Gral. San Martín Cultural Center, 2004
III Contemporary Dance Festival of Buenos Aires, 2004
I Argentine Dance Festival, Santa Fe, 2005
Cultural Center of the Cooperation, Buenos Aires, 2006
IV Buenos Aires Dance Festival, 2007