A system is an organized and complex whole; a combination of parts and objects united by some form of interaction. The limits or boundaries between the system and its environment allows, however, for a certain scope of arbitrariness. It is there, between the order of the parts and the chaos of its arrangement, where the poetics of this work is born.
Dancers: Nahuel Alegre, Natacha Berezan, Ana Galassi, Julieta García Gagliardi, Rosina Gungolo,
Jesica Josiowicz, Inés Maas, Mailen Madsen, María José Monje Rivadeneira,
Nora Moreno Macías, Janet Parra Onego, Gisela Pellegrini, Luis Sodá
Music: Alva Noto
Lighting Design: David Seiras
Direction and choreography: Gerardo Litvak
Commissioned piece by the Puentes3 Program, Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center of the University of Buenos Aires, 2010.